What We Do

Well, we never get bored.  We have several facets to our company, including our Local Relic brand of beer dinners, custom catering, commercial food service, and a wonderful partnership with Partners in Housing.  We also run an internship program to give individuals in need of job skills and income.

Look for Local Relic beers in liquor stores now! This is a spin-off of our beer dinners.  A new tasting room is in the planning stages right now, and we have a CSA-style beer membership unlike anything else in town. Find out more details at www.localrelic.com.

Custom catering means that we craft menus for each event we do to fit within a budget and reflect what the host is striving for every time.  We love helping to create an experience for specific events.

At Partners in Housing, we teach cooking classes to individuals transitioning out of homelessness and domestic abuse.  We do budget planning, knife skills, and classes that are geared around a specific culinary theme.  As volunteers in the kitchen gain skills, they are eligible to enter into our internship program.

Internships are offered to anyone interested in learning the culinary industry top to bottom, space permitting.  The interns are paid, and work anywhere from twenty to forty hours per week.  They learn everything from how to wash dishes to how to prepare a meal for patients at the hospital.  We’ve had several graduate from the program to go onto careers in other industries, and move up within the culinary industry.  One of the points of pride for us is that we make an investment in every employee, striving to help each individual reach personal and professional goals.

What can we do for you?